sábado, 24 de abril de 2010


se todo sentimento
que há em mim
pudesse ser colocado
em versos,
já não haveria tantos
espaços em branco
dentro do peito.

don't fall apart on me tonight

it comes smooth by the window. there's something there that is trying to tell me that it is still worth it. it sounds like a sensation. it is supposed to feel like this. but while clouds are so gray, I still can't read any of those sweet words. it feels like a fair wind, but still not enough. till I don't feel those words whispered on my ears, it won't be soft. never enough for the right sensation. although it is weightless, those missing words still makes me cry at night.

~ sounds like a Bob Dylan melody to me ~

in my dreams

you're gonna lay down
by my side
as if our worlds weren't apart.
you're gonna whisper
sweet words
as if we were still together.

and I'll write a poem
in order not to say goodbye.

quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

o desespero
ir embora.